There are many excellent organizations, which can help you deal with your loss. Some of them are listed below.

Bereavement Support for Adults-Hospice Niagara
Peer support programs (facilitated by staff and trained volunteers) are available for children, adolescents and adults who have lost a loved family member or friend. Activity-based programs for children and adolescents provide a therapeutic environment in which participants are free to share their experiences with others their own age. Adult programs include an six-eight week support group and a Grief Walk that is held every week.
A bereavement advisor and a psychosocial-spiritual advisor are available and also refer to existing counseling and peer support programs when appropriate. This is not intended to replace professional counseling services. Criteria for program eligibility is a significant bereavement. Referrals can be made by family members, health care professionals, Home Care, clergy, friends or neighbours. Client population served is not restricted by age, gender, language, ethnic background or diagnosis. There is no fee for services.
Bereavement Support for Children-Hospice Niagara
The Family Bereavement Support Program is a peer support program for individuals in the Niagara Region whose loved one has died. This group is broken into groups and will include a couple of activities where all groups will come together:
Children (ages 6 to 10)
Pre-teens (ages 11 to 13)
Parents and/or Guardians of the Children. The primary focus of this group will be on how to best help your children to grieve. It is strongly recommended that parents and/or guardians attend.
The program provides an opportunity for children to remember, validate and commemorate the death of their loved one with others their own age. The program is six weeks in length. (**Our teen bereavement support program is held at a separate time.**)
Resource library - HN has a variety of children's books (including chapter books) to assist children in both anticipatory grief and bereavement. There are also books to assist parents in talking with their children about death and dying.
Registration is required for all of our bereavement support groups. Please contact Melissa Penner, Bereavement Advisor at 905-984-8766 ext. 233, to register for these programs and/or request additional information.
Bereavement Support for Adolescents-Hospice Niagara
The Adolescent Bereavement Support Program is a peer support program for adolescents (ages 14 to 19 years of age). The program provides an opportunity for adolescents to remember, validate and commemorate the death of their loved one.
The Compassionate Friends of Niagara
To aid in the positive reconciliation of grief and foster the physical and emotional health of bereaved parents and their surviving children and to help others to be supportive.
The Network itself does no grief counseling or provide any direct service. Instead, it fills a distinct void by providing linkages between the various groups, counsellors, and bereavement resources already in place.
Today, the Bereavement Ontario Network provides an opportunity to access, in a reciprocal manner, the knowledge, experience, wisdom and sensitivity of other members throughout the province. You can use BON to access this support for your clients, and yourself, from across the province.
Candlelighters- Childhood Cancer Foundation
Providing Special Resources to Families such as:
Bereaved Parents Support Group
This 8 to 12 week program is offered based on interest and need. Professionally facilitated it provides support for parents whose children have not survived their cancer.
For individuals, couples and siblings, this counseling is offered at any time in your child’s cancer journey. It is most often used in bereavement.
The Coping Centre offers a peaceful place for support, understanding, compassion and encouragement in the uniqueness of one's grief journey
Pregnancy & Infant Loss Network
Committed to making a positive difference to those affected by pregnancy & infant loss.
Our loss is unique and our grief is often discounted, to parents the death is devastating. Pregnancy and Infant Loss Network provides support services to bereaved parents and their families all over Ontario. We are Canada's leading educators promoting the sensitive care and management to families following a loss.
Perinatal Bereavement Services of Ontario
Trillium Childhood Cancer Support Group
Are You a Grief Organization?
If you are an organization which supports those in grief across the Golden Horseshoe and wish to be added to our professional network directory,
please contact us at